Tuesday 19 July 2011


Hey everyone!
Now that my midyear break is over, I have returned to school, which means less posts :( I will try blog AT LEAST twice a day... that is until 10 day camp in a couple weeks.
Anyway, my first day back was good, besides a few timetable scheduling issues... fingers crossed I will eventually get into Media class! The highlight of my day was DEFINITELY one of the english teachers reciting "Like a G6" at campus assembly. It was hilarious!
Even though I don't know if I'll be doing art the whole semester, due to the annoyingness of the timetable (annoyingness should be a word!), I did it today, and the project of the term is to make a self portrait that portrays YOU, inside and out. Originally I was going to make a Kerri/Bieber hybrid, but my art teacher said it would be too obvious and restrictive (and I didn't want some hater at school scribbling over the JB parts). Soooo, a friend of mine, who is making hers old hollywood style gave me the idea to make myself Katy Perry! Coloured hair, big lashes, lots of cupcakes... and the ideas have all come together to be very me! I'm thinking even if I don't do art the rest of the semester, I'll still do the project :)
Oh! and theres a new french exchange student in my year level :)
That's all for me!!! Back to celeb blogging <3

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