Tuesday 16 August 2011

Hilary Duff: Anniversary and PREGNANT!!!!

Oh. Em. Gee. I am so so so so so so so times a billion happy and excited right now!!!!!
Ever since I was about 7 I have absolutely LOVED Hilary Duff. She still hasn't failed me to this day. I loved Lizzie McGuire, saw every episode, the movies, got all her cds, her perfumes, everything, and cried when I found out I got tickets to her 2008 tour for my batmitzvah. I will always love and support her, and you litereally have NO idea how happy I am about this news, and just happy about her happiness in general.

Yesterday, Hilary shared wedding pictures on her official website/blog, in honour of her first anniversary, and added a short, sweet, but very exciting note, saying:

Hello everyone!
This weekend, Mike and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary!
In memory of the special day, we decided to post some of our favorite pictures from our wedding!
I can’t believe it has already been a year, time really flies when you’re having fun!
We also want to share the exciting news that…… BABY MAKES THREE!!!
We are extremely happy and ready to start this new chapter of our lives.
Thanks to everyone for the continued love and support throughout the years!
- Hil and Mike
I wish ALL the best to Hilary and Mike!!! Congrats!
Check out all of the wedding and honeymoon pics on her official site, here!

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