Tuesday 2 August 2011

Miley Cyrus... Smoking...

I seriously do NOT mean to offend anyone in this post, but I have to voice my opinion.

Recently, Miley Cyrus has been spotted multiple times, smoking cigarettes. I am TOTALLY against (PLEASE do NOT take offence) smoking, and am so so SO disappointed to see these pictures.
I LOVE Miley. She was incredible in concert earlier this year, and I have been a massive fan of hers for YEARS, since the start of Hannah Montana.

I cannot stress enough how horrible smoking is for you, and while I know and understand that Miley has grown up, and can do whatever she wants, it saddens me to watch her put her body, voice, and health in such jeopardy.

What do you think? PLEASE comment below! I would love to know your opinions!!!

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